Friday, February 28, 2014

So What?

Sean Wykoski

So What?
I have been studying and reflecting on our subject of free will and determinism for over a month now. In this time I have really developed my own views and adopted traits from other views on the subject. I would say that going into this class I did not think about the topic of free will and determinism and if I did I would say that I was pretty closed minded on the subject. After reading the assignments and watching the Adjustment Bureau I would say that I definitely have a new concept of what free will and determinism are.
I really liked one of the first assignments we read about the different beliefs of why things happen to us. I could really relate to some, but there were also others that I just could not see being plausible. I would say that before reading the classic categories I would say that I was somewhere between free will and cultural determinism. After reading through all of them I would say that I'm now more on the free will belief. I think that the assignments we have read and watched really helped shaped my new belief. I especially liked The Adjustment Bureau and the story that it told. I thought it was the perfect example of what this class was trying to talk about; how free will and determinism do not have to be separate from each other. The point that it made that I really liked was at the very end of the film when the two main characters are greeted by their friend who was in The Adjustment Bureau and were told that their paths were in fact changed. When they asked how, their friend told them that they fought hard enough to earn their free will.
After watching the film I really thought about whether or not we are actually living our own lives or some life that is preset for us. I think the point I talked about earlier really changed my opinion on how we're living. I've always thought "Well, maybe there is a predetermined path that we are following, but I don't think thats actually what's happening, because I can do whatever I want." (Not without consequences, but the point being is we are all technically able to do whatever we want.) Once I finished the video I realized that maybe we just have the illusion of free will, like the point Thompson made about us being able to choose what toothpaste we use or what drink to order, but that the big decisions are made by a higher authority. It actually boggled my mind sometimes during class. I'll sit and start thinking "Am I actually choosing to learn, or am I learning because someone is making me learn?" Then I tend to get a headache and stop thinking about it to stop my self from getting super confused.

 I would say that I have really had one of my personal beliefs changed. Not a 180 degree change, but it was still changed none the less.  

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