Friday, January 24, 2014

Two Assumptions

Who is writing the script of my life?  I don’t think I have an answer to this question.  I’m not even sure I know where to begin on addressing this question.  I've grown up in a household that believed God has a plan for all of us.  Therefore, one could assume that He is writing the script, watching it all unfold.  Is this is right answer, the right train of thought?  I don’t know.  As I grow older I start to question these kinds of matters.  Is it God?  Does the Universe have a plan?  Does God control the Universe?  The more I think about it, the more I get confused.  Of course, one could always take a humorous approach – think in South Park terms:  that we are all on an alien reality T.V. show!  Really though, I like to think I that I am writing the script of my life.  I make decisions every day – when to wake up, what to eat, what to wear, where I am going to school, who my friends are, where I work, etc.  But then I wonder if it’s all predetermined.  I was destined to meet this person.  I was destined to go to this school.  I was destined to be here, do that, and say that at that exact moment.  If this is the case, then the question returns to who exactly is writing this timeline out?  I honestly don’t have a set opinion – anything can be possible.  I would like to think that I have my life figured out, but who knows.

Who’s to say what’s right?  I feel I can answer this question a little better than the last.  From the moment we are born, we have someone telling us what is right or wrong.  As we grow older we start to comprehend the world around us and make our own presumptions of what is right or wrong in this world.  However, there will always be a part of us, even if it’s subconsciously, that will use our upbringing as a comparison.  So how we were raised will always have an effect on us.  Where else do we gain this right-from-wrong knowledge?  We have an infinite number of sources to choose from.  There’s T.V. shows, movies, friends, random people we come in contact with, laws, religion, rules of all sorts, and the list goes on.  Everything we see and hear we take in and remember, even if we don’t realize it.  Past experiences shape our perception of future ones.  One person’s actions can change the course of another’s.  Who, ultimately, is correct?  Well, I believe that no one person has all the answers.  What’s right in one person’s situation could be wrong in someone else’s.  Everyone has a different interpretation of what is right and wrong, if we didn't the world would be a pretty boring place.  Think about it.  There would be no debates, no conflicts, everything would be decided cut-and-dry.  Then, you get into the realm of cold, hard facts versus assumptions (the science versus the Bible debate for example) and you just opened a whole other can of worms.  I guess my conclusion to that is like my first one, who really knows.

1 comment:

  1. I like the South Park analogy. Sometimes I think that that sort of perspective gives us another way to think about a complex issue.
