Friday, January 24, 2014

Two questions for the future

  1. Those two questions being "Who is writing the script of my life?" and "Who's to say what's right?"

         My first assumption on these questions, particularly the first question is if the script is still being written or if it's already a finished product.  My starting point for answering the question depnds on whether I believe in fate or whether I believe that ultimately, I am in control of what will happen to me in the future.  I've lived my entire life not believing in fate and have no reason to wander from that now, so I'm in the camp that believes my life script is still being written.  That's not to say that there are not certain aspects of life where I think there may be a certain amount of destiny involved.  Such as love, career, etc.  If it were a matter of fate, these things would come about the way they were intended regardless of my decisions.  I believe that it's more likely that Destiney will put me in the situation to make the correct choice and if I do not, it may decide to give me another chance later down the road.
         Now that that has been established, the starting point for answering the question of who is the author of my life script is my early years spent in church with my parents and grandparents.  Weekly sessions sitting in the pews of Catholic Church where I would usually be thinking about how I would much rather be watching football.  Not to say that I did not or do not believe in God, but one of the first things learned in catechism is that God has given man free will.  It can be debated whether or not that was just a way to explain away the evil that seems to be ever constant in the world but regardless, it is a belief that I still hold today.  So if I have free will than I am obviously writing the script of my life.  With help from the different characters, subtle hints from destiny, and plot twists that find there way into the story.  Each one leading me to a different possible outcome that cannot be known until the last page is written.

         As far as the second question, "Who's to say what's right?", again, it depends on what we are referring to.  Are we talking about big picture?  Good versus Evil?  Justice versus injustice?  Or are we talking about what is right with regards to the choices made in my life?  As for the larger questions of good versus evil, the answer is society.  Society and different cultural shifts decide what is right and wrong big picture.  Countless things that were not only accepted but expected in years past have now become almost unanimously vilified.  Granted most of those societal norms are based in regligious beliefs, but ultimately, societal norms will eventually be seen as right regardless if they are or not.
         When it comes to the individual, in this case, me, my starting point on who the ultimate decider of who's to say what's right is God.  Although one may be able to make their way through life being considered righteous or just, it will ultimately be up to the judgement of God as to whether that is actually the case.  Another catechism teaching that has stuck with me is to not judge others, because only God will be the ultimate judge.  If only God can judge that obviously only God can say what is right.

         I'm looking forward to going deeper while looking for the answers to these questions and really hope I can come up with some better answers than the ones I just came up with.  Glad I'm the one writing the script.  

1 comment:

  1. I like the way your argued with yourself in this post. You make a point and then turn around and give a critique of it. Complex questions need that kind of thinking.
